Outreach Resources

Conservation commissions often look for community support when engaging in land conservation programs or projects. NHACC developed some outreach resources for commissioners to use to aid in your outreach efforts. We have also compiled some links where commissioners can find additional how-tos and handouts related to community engagement and outreach. 

Infographics - Land Conservation & Conservation Commissions

These infographics where develoepd by NHACC for conservation commissions to use to help support their outreach efforts. They are in both PDF and JPEG format for you to download. We recommend the high-resolution PDF format if you are going to print hard copies. The JPEG format is better if you will be using the infographic on the web. 

NH Residents Support Conservation (High-resolution PDF) (JPEG) - This infographic highlights some key findings from a 2012 University of NH Study on the Conservation Attitudes of NH Residents.

Conservation Commissions Make It Happen (High-res PDF) (JPEG)- This infographic showcases the important work that conservation commissions in NH may do that make conservation happen.

Does Open Space Pay? (High-res PDF) (JPEG) - This infographic illustrates how open space lands actually pay for themselves.

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